Saturday, September 19, 2015

Consistency Brings Easy Money On The Web

No where is money making so easy that you don't have to do something to make it happen. Making money on the internet is no different. Today's blog is about the consistency it takes to be successful.

Consistency Hungry! Blog Copyright 2012 Catrina Vargas Cormell Fitness ...
Consistency -  "It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently." By Anthony Robbins.

In the working world this means showing up to work every day and doing the job you are paid to do.  Working on the web, you come and go as you please, you get distracted, or you get bored. If something doesn't work immediately, you move on to the next guru promising you great gains if you only purchase this upgrade or whatever it is that fills their pocket. This drains your resources - time and money. SFI, my main source of income provides you with the consistency you need to develop your skills. It does this for free. Add several other programs that make you some money, and you can earn a decent income or even get rich working the web. Join me

"Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals" By Jim Rohn

There is some controversy about consistency, like every other virtue, it's value is in the way you use it. If you are consistently doing something that is detrimental to making an income, then you need to consider changing to something that will be valuable and not keep you unaware of what might be more profitable.

This works well only after you have exhausted all of the potential of your current activity. That is one more benefit that SFImg uses. They have six different ways that you can earn money. Join me.

It is the consistency of applying the tools offered that bring progress. It you want to build muscle or great health, you work at it every day. You lift the10 pound weight daily. A 50 pound barbell once a week doesn't cut it. Of course, if your resources are such that you have to carefully allocate your time, then it is better to lift the 50 pound weight once a week that do nothing at all.

Sometimes we think the 10 pound weight is like 50 if we are being consistent when we are tired or stressed. Then the simple task of making our selves lift the 10 pound weight maintaining our consistently will build not only our muscles but lift our spirits. That is true of making money on the internet when you are tired or stressed, if you just start and do a little, you will do more consistently.

Be sure that you can deliver as promised consistently. Working with people on the internet is fascinating. It is stimulating because of the opportunity to learn about other people and cultures. The only promise I make is that I will help in any way I can. I will provide information and answer questions within 24 hours. This I can do consistently. It isn't a vague promise.

 In SFI we build a downline in one part of the program and advertise products for sale in another. The sale of products produces a greater income at first while you are building your team, but eventually the team takes over and makes you more money than the sales. Sales are the backbone of any enterprise, whether it be on the internet or in a community business. Sales are essential to any income.

By being consistent you are selling yourself. People know they can count on you. This is why I am proud of getting badges for being consistent. I have a badge for 44,727 all -time VP another for 779-day streak earning VP and a 51- month EA streak. VP is income, and you must maintain EA to earn the VP. Join me!  Join me

To sum up, consistency isn't the beginning and end all of everything we do, but to be successful in any endeavor we must do something consistently. Otherwise we have half done projects, lost opportunities that could have been ours, and our life will be chaotic and have little substance. One thing I like about SFI is that it provides us with scads of information and the tools to use the information we are given so we can be consistent.

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Why do MLM and AFFILIATE programs want you?

Why MLMs and AFFILIATES want you.

What is NetWork Marketing all about? Well, the owners tell you it is about sharing the Marketing Revenues with Affiliates. They say, "Instead of paying for marketing we pay our affiliates."

Let me translate that for you, "You pay for all your own marketing with CASH or TIME (Clicking away) and they will give you a commission on every sale. Problem is Marketing generally is not about sales it is about Brand Recognition. And you do not get paid for Brand Recognition you only get paid for SALES.

Imagine for a minute NBC or FOX or any other TV/Cable company giving you advertising time on the TV and you only need to pay them on the basis of the sales generated. You think they would do it???? No Way. Why do you? 

At SFI we have a Brand Recognition program and you get Rewarded. That is right, not a commission, but rewarded every month.
It is Simple. Attract people to the TripleClicks website and receive rewards for every referral. Not a commission. If your referral comes and never spends a dime, but plays free games or joins in the auctions, you're rewarded. This is not commission it is branding not sales. I brand the TripleClicks store, I get paid. Now suppose I do make a sale through my advertising for the company, I get a commission too. Perfect.

Why are you still not a WAVE 3 member? Check it out now. Check it out here:

This post courtesy of George McBride SFI PTL.