Thursday, November 28, 2013

Some Observations About Working On The Internet

What I know for sure about working on this mystifying and wonderful internet. There has never been anything like it before. Nothing where we could go so quickly from one country to another in a virtual world and achieve success on our own.
  1. That the opportunity has never been as great to develop your own business.
  2. That the same habits of working at a business haven't changed. Dedication, focus, being present and hard working are activities that are essential to making it in the virtual world.
  3. Studying to learn all you can is the key to success.
  4. Knowing yourself and what you like, or will do is what makes it possible to find your niche.
Using the above information how do we determine from thousands of choices which business or program will work the best for us?

This is much harder to decide. In the real world there are many choices also, but there are more ways to test them out because we do more of the business face to face. Does that seem to make a difference? In some ways yes because we can have a better gut reaction face to face than email to email. Even when we meet face to face, we can be deceived by the individual we are confronting. We think we know someone very well only to find out later that we didn't, or they might change in some critical way. My mother had a way of saying inciteful things in a very short sentence. For instance, as a young newly married, I asked her how she stood living with the same man for 25 years, and she replied, “What do you mean the SAME man, I just think I get to know him and he changes”. All individuals make changes that can be troublesome to their friends and family, but the basic character remains the same.

The difference between face to face and virtual is that we make more assumptions about the individual we are emailing. When we see a face or picture of the individual it helps, but it still isn't the same. Our imagination takes over and creates a life for the person in the picture. If truth be known the picture may not even be one of the person we are emailing. A beautiful women can be a picture for a man and we wouldn't know it. Therefore, the internet makes it much easier to fool each other and make a life for ourselves that isn't real. We make unreal assumptions about the person we are communicating with.

Even the sources of information about individuals is created and carefully choreographed on the web in such a way that it is almost impossible to tell truth from fiction. (Read my Tracking Article.)We have to weed through a lot of information to become familiar with a program or individual.

For instance, I mentioned to some friends that I was using Paypal. I got an earful as to how they had been selling on Ebay and had their Paypal accounts confiscated for some time because of some perceived thing they had done by Ebay. Several are still waiting for their accounts to be freed so that they can use the money they feel they have earned. I put Paypal reviews in Google, and read some from TrustPilot and Paypal earns a three for trust. There are 24 pages of places I could visit to try and build an accurate picture of Paypal for myself, and then it might not fit my situation.Therefore I will personally trust Paypal until it proves different.

Personally, I've belonged to Paypal almost since its conception. I had problems with purchases that they have helped me to correct.So far I have a good experience with them. Still I have never sold on Ebay and had them confiscate my account so that I had nothing to spend to build my business for six weeks.

Where am I going with this commentary? This website is the best I can do, and it is the best representation of myself I can put on the web, and my hope is that any person reading this would realize that if they met me face to face, they would see that my web site is as real a presentation as I can make it, and that if they join with me in working on the web, I will do my best to help them grow and that I am looking forward to them to reciprocate by helping me to learn more about discerning what is real from fiction on making money on the web.

SFI (strong future international) is very real for me as are several other programs I am affiliated with. As long as I am financially rewarded and continue to find them true to the policies they put forth, I will ignore the negatives from those who have had little or no experience with them.

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