Friday, April 11, 2014

Advertising Using Safe-Lists

There is no such thing as a sure thing among safelist or traffic 
exchanges but with safelists there are some things to look at 
early on for help with results. Check to see if deliverability is an issue.
I personally look for safelist that fit the following criteria.Some safelists 
only publish so many a day, so the wait time could be long. 
Check for the following:  
1. They're credit based.

2. They list total members and active members separate.

3. They don't sell blaster memberships, not one of those safelist
has ever resulted in any kind of conversion for me or anyone I know.

4. You don't earn more than 20-30 credits per e-mail you open.
If they give one credit per e-mail you will receive one e-mail 
per e-mail you send,if they give 20 credits they must send 
you twenty e-mails to cover each e-mail you actually read.If you 
don't want to receive more than 2,000 e-mails to earn 100 credits 
watch your exchange rate. More e-mails sent means lower odds your
e-mails will be read.

5. Choose lists that allow you to send e-mails to less than 10% of 
their membership per day. Again this is a matter of delivering fewer
total e-mails to each user which increases open rates. My best list 
let's you as a free member mail 2500 of their 40,000 active members 
every 3 days. It out performs a membership I canceled that sent to 
10,000 members daily in terms of open rates and conversions.

6. Solo Ads should be special and costly. These B.S. sites that claim
mail real solo ads daily don't even know what a solo ad is. A solo ad
should go to the contact mail not the list mail of the user. They 
should be limited to no more than 20 of them sent in a day and should 
offer the reader added value in receiving and opening these mails be 
it a chance at cash rewards, a fee paid per open, or a higher than 
normal number of credits. If the list sends too many solo ads then they
will get the kind of open rates you see with the main list and your
conversions will be terrible.

You can increase your results in Safelist by purchasing upgrades but 
your best results are typically from high value Solo Ads which can cost
you up to $129 per send but have a better chance of gaining a return on
your investment. Be frugal,don't listen to people that say join a lot of
lists and mail to as many as possible because the real numbers game should 
not be quantity of unread e-mails sent, it should be quality of results
because you can't pay the bills with 1 million sent but unopened e-mails,
only with solid sales and sign-ups. 
I hope you all will forgive me, as I copied and pasted this item but don't 
remember who wrote it. Still the information is very helpful.
I hope all of you find this information helpful.

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