Monday, July 1, 2013

Gang of Seven - Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is very successful when approached in the correct way. Facebook (FB) wants people to be friends, and share and report as friends. Therefore, advertising on Facebook requires different tactics that just putting an ad there. If you want to do that, they expect you to pay for advertising. That said, there are ways to use FB as a free advertising medium. Here is one way that has proven to produce results when done correctly. Here is the method in 123 form with explanations as I go along.

I am starting with this method of advertising because this takes several steps to be very successful so by the end of the month if should be working great for you.


1. Place your inquiry Keyword in the search engine at the top of the FB page.

The kind of keywords you use are very important. If you use "Work At Home" you will get a bunch of people who already are working at home. If you want to get people who want to "earn money from home" you will be more successful at finding people who haven't yet found something. The best way to approach FB is to put a keyword in the search that you are passionate about. For instance, I'm passionate about remodeling my home.Using keywords that apply to this passion will pull up people who will be interested in possibly being a friend. Then after I have become a friend, I can approach them about joining SFI.

If you are looking for anything else, you would want to choose a product from TC that you like, or you might choose something from an auction. Spend some time playing around with keywords and then examine the results of your search to see if becoming friends of some of these people will benefit you. 

2. To the right of the search page you will see a list of items starting with people.

Use this list to find the people you want to contact. For instance if you click on people, you will get location. Then you can put in any city or country you want. This is a great way to find people who speak the same language as you do. You can filter results in "people" by geography, school or employer. Type in the name of a city or region, school, university or company. Click "Filter" to find the people in the parameter you set.

Experiment with the different items in this list and see what will help you the most. Then make a friends list and send them a message.

3. Use "more results" to pull up people.

Using this will keep people coming up for you until you have exhausted the available people. This is the huge list of people to prospect.


 1. Using an ice breaker is absolutely essential to fill FB's requirement that you make friends.

An ice breaker is a short sentence that talks about their interests. It is important to address this interest. Here is an example of an ice breaker. "I see that you are interested in remodeling. I have been remodeling homes since I was a child. It is almost a passion with me. What is your favorite room to remodel or decorate? Do you have a website? I am always interested in new ideas and enjoy looking at what others are doing. I just sent you a friends request." The add a friend button disappears as I click on it.

Notice how I used questions in this ice breaker, it is short, addresses their interest, and tells them a little about me. That is the method for making a great ice breaker. If I were planning to advertise for an ECA, I would use a product as my original search and ask them if they were currently doing any internet marketing.

Another ice breaker sample. "John, I just happened across your profile, and noticed that you were in Mantra and have a shoe store (or any other site such as Linkedin). I'm a member myself and always interested in new styles. I am also an entrepreneur like yourself.."  

Doing these ice breakers will build your friends list and they will start responding. Working 1 hour per day for 5 days creating 20-25 conversations in that hour equals 120-500 new leads per week.

Getting greedy and sending more than 20-25 friend requests a day, will flag you in FB and you will get shut down. Be very careful in this first step that you work to become a friend and not appear as a sales person.


Now that you have them on your friends list it is essential to develop an effective follow up system to take them to the next level. the first follow up gives them addresses their response, and gives them a little more information about yourself and your business. Do this immediately upon receiving their response. 

The second follow up the next day includes testimonials and more information. The key to developing any really effective advertising campaign requires an immediate follow up system where they can opt out at any time. Save your emails so that you can merely edit them some to do following up. As you get more experience advertising and have many people to follow up, then it is important that you develop an automated system so that your follow up is adequate. 

My next post will have more information on how to do the follow up and then present your sales pitch.
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