I devised this point system because
SFI's point system for VP is so successful and easy to fix a sum of
money to in exchange for doing an activity. I am trusting that all of
you are excited enough to do the work and complete it so that it can
be monitored.
Here is the list of points and how you
can earn them.
- Housekeeping = 1 point. To earn this point you must visit my new website daily and record your activities in the comments section I have set up.You will receive 1 point every day that you comment on this site. If you miss a day, you will be docked 1 point for that day. My web site is http://workathomewithmarlene.blogspot.com/
- This isn't the greatest website in the world, but I am learning that too. I can't get wordpress to work on my computer because some PHP program from Windows doesn't want to download to my computer. I will get that solved, but in the mean time I wanted to get something up and running, so this is what I came up with.
- Classifieds 4 new ads = 2 points. Each time you place 4 classifieds to NEW ADVERTISING places you can claim 2 points. If you are currently advertising in some classifieds you must use new places to claim the 2 points for this activity.
- Facebook - find and contact 20 people = 2 points. The first week in July is Facebook week for my blog. I have specific instructions available for getting new recruits and for advertising products. This is a 3 step approach, so I am doing it first to give us time to see results.You can visit the same 20 people for all three steps and claim 6 points if you complete the process.
- Traffic Exchanges – 20 splash pages visited each time you use a Traffic Exchange, and the same rule applies here. You must use different Traffic Exchanges than you are currently using.
- Emails from safelists and other places 50 emails = 2 points. These also must be new safelists and other forms of email advertising to receive the points.
ADVERTISING POINTS5. X-cards 20 handed out or mailed = 2 points. You will have to tell how you handed them out. Did you go somewhere or hand them out in your neighborhood, or give them to family and friends.
Sponsoring, TC products,
Pricebenders, SFIPPA, and ECA stores all are worth 5 points each
time you target that program
with your new advertising.
You can earn 10 points a
day to receive the full $30.00 or you can work as fast as you want to
earn the money as long as you follow the rules and document where and
what you did to earn the points. Again the website for documenting is
I am trusting you all to be honest, because if you cheat, you are
only cheating yourself. I was a teacher, and I am familiar with
student's trying to beat the system, but when I'm paying YOU to make
YOUR business better, it isn't in your best interests to cheat, and
we can all benefit from your documentation if you do it daily and
list who, what, when and where you did your job.
I realize that 90% of the
people who sign up for an affiliate program don't work the programs,
but you are all my best producers and I trusted you to want to be a
better money maker. Learn to advertise on the internet and do it
well, and you will become a multimillionaire
, and I'm willing to put
in the time and effort to help you do that.
I am not going to do any ad
tracking this first month, but if this works like I think it will, I
will then set up a tracking system. I do expect you to put keycodes
in your urls so that SFI can track the results. Then if this succeeds
and we go on in subsequent months, we will learn split testing, ad
manipulation and how to write articles and ezines. If we keep going,
I will purchase an ad tracking program that will help us all to be
better at the job.
You may benefit from
purchasing a coop, and I suggest that if you currently have one that
you keep it up. I want this money to be seed money for you to do more
and better advertising in the future. I didn't mention paid
advertising, but you can use this type of advertising if you want,
but you have to pay for it, and I will give you points for the paid
ads too. If you don't have money for paid ads, you will have to do
more work, but there are plenty of free places to advertise. The
Facebook program I am proposing is free as are most of the programs I
will present.
Feel free to express any
ideas, comments or feelings in the comments section of my blog. The
address again is: http://workathomewithmarlene.blogspot.com/.
Here's to YOUR prosperity!
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