Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I have joined a new free program that should be of help to you in getting more members to SFI or any other program. You can also become an affiliate and earn money when people upgrade their account, but this magnet is absolutely free

How to Attract More Customers and Increase Referrals with a Digital Customer Magnet

This video shows you how to start attracting customers to your website by creating a digital "Customer Magnet" for your website or blog. This training is completely free (no opt-in) and is one of the key strategies to use myself to attract leads.
You also get the software they use to do it 100% free and it has a built in email auto-responder and its free too!
Click on my link or on the image above to see for yourself!
Seriously.. this for real. These guys have been doing this for 10 years.. that’s like a lifetime in the online world.
Go check it out

Marlene Kaiser

P.S. All we ask for showing you how to attract more customer to your website is that you share this free software and training with your friends, seriously that’s it, and it's not even required, it's just the nice thing to do. :)

Friday, July 5, 2013


Since I didn't think I should put advice on this website that I didn't try myself, I went to and put things I am passionate about in the search, and after about an hour of putting in several searches and pulling up my own friends and their friends, I finally found a bunch of people that are interested in the same thing as I am on a Facebook site generated by Facebook from things people are passionate about. One great passion of mine is remodeling, so I placed "remodeling" in the search, and I got a page made by facebook with this quote. "This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic. See More
Create a Page about this topic."

I found a long list of people on this page, so I asked 50 of them to become friends with me, and I will create a page for this interest to see how it pulls for me to recruit people to SFI.

Have any of you had any experience with Facebook so far? If so please send me the results in the comments section, SFI messaging, or Google +. Thanks.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Writing short text ads
Writing short text ads is the same as doing a great headline. They need to be catchy, relative and use words that people are searching. SFI has some great suggestions.. Many are very good ads, but some may be considered outdated.

Since the advent of Twitter, people on the internet expect to be captivated by short word pictures.140 characters to be exact are Twitters claim to fame. This increases the need for short ads  Twitter will be the subject of another blog, so be watching for it.

This blog will concentrate on how to make short text ads that will draw clicks and conversions. When I received this message asking for ideas about very short ads, I suggested "Earn while you learn to work at home". I personally would respond to this ad, but when I placed it in Google's ad tool. it worked poorly because earn and learn aren't even in the Google ADwords search criteria. I was surprised that it didn't draw any search terms.

Google ad words tool

Click on the above link and you can go to this web page. Click on tools on this page, and you will find the keyword tool. There are those that say that keywords are no longer important, but that isn't true.They are very important and will continue until some other method of communication is devised that doesn't depend on words.

The list is sorted according to high, medium and low words searched. An effective short ad will combine two groups of keywords for the first line of the ad, and the second line would be your link. I recommend that you use custom domain names from SFI, or shorten the gateway url so that it isn't as obvious as the normal gateway and takes less space.

Here is a better ad than the one I suggested above. I just merely found two keywords that sounded good together and used them. "Build an online business - work at home -"  You probably wouldn't want the bitly link underlined, I just did it here to show what a shortened url would look like. When I put this ad into the traffic estimator, it estimated I'd get 0 clicks. I kept playing around with the tool until I came up with this ad "work at home business opportunity" that produced an average of 63 clicks per day.
This Google Traffic Estimator is a very interesting tool, and you can play with it using cost figures, but you don't have to purchase to find this a valuable resource.

Google is a great resource for all kinds of advertising information and tools. It is so often overlooked because there is nothing for anyone to sell. You need to spend some time on the Google site
Google Site Logo
experimenting with their various tools and information.

If you have not signed up with Google webmaster tools,  they are an excellent resource for placing ads. You don't have to place ads on Google to use the tool, but you do have to be signed up for them. If you have a blog or website of your own, you can earn from Google ads. I was surprised to learn that in the month that I have had this blog, I have earned $5.00 from the Google ads being clicked on from my site.It isn't much, but it is something.

Well, this blog was written in response to a question, and I'm not sure that I answered the question. I had to do a lot of research and when I found Google tools, I decided to use that as an explanation as to how to write short ads that you know will pull clicks to your site.

I am ALWAYS there for you and willing to help in any way that I can.

I do need everyone who is part of my contest - the Gang of seven I'm calling you - to check in every day. I require these updates in order to have a reason to pay you for your work.You can check in here in the comments on my blog, write an email or send an SFI message. I'll except any kind of response that you want to send. I just need you doing something toward advertising our business.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


After considerable research, I believe that we will concentrate on Social Media exclusively this month. There is so much to learn and the requirements for success are simply the desire to succeed and the willingness to learn. The costs are nada, zip, nothing and nobody but you needed to succeed.The potential is right in front of your nose, it will blow your mind, and all you need is the desire to use the strategies I'm explaining here.

The ability to make money on the internet is still there, but there is a need to be on the internet in so many more ways than before. You can still make great use of a website and blog by putting banners and using Google or other ads on your site and blogging daily, but being on social media in many different areas is the key to success. How to do that is to find a beginning strategy which I outlined in my previous blog, and then following up. Follow up is the paper that completes the job. By job I mean financial security.



Follow up is the Target to success

The secret to following up is that there are no rules. By that I mean following up is more important than not following up because you don't know the rules, or because you assume that you will be doing it wrong. There is no wrong or right way. If what you are saying would appeal to you, then it will appeal to your reader. Sure there are ways that will improve your conversion rate (number of people who answer or sign up with you) but if you don't follow up at all, there will be no conversions. Remember that you have asked them to friend you and when they do this, they are giving you permission to follow up their friendship, in fact they wouldn't have friended you if they did not see something interesting in your first contact.

If you are honest, respectful and genuinely interested in the other person, you will have success with your follow up. Everyone you contact will have something they are interested in that they feel will be of interest to you too. In fact if you followed the previous blog information you would only be contacting those people who have some interest in common with you. That gives you a starting point for your follow up.

In my first follow up I'd do it something like this, "Hi, I notice that you are interested in so and so, I've found this to be ______ and I'm glad to meet you and want to hear about your interest." Then I would go on and ask a question that I felt would bring a response.Then you might mention some success you have had, but you need to be careful with this in your first follow up. Since they are now part of your friends list, they will benefit from the drip advertising SFI is helping you to do with the Share program.

One thing I have found in writing to members of my downline, that questions pertinent to my subject do bring a response. Success in advertising is achieved by testing, tweaking and recording responses to those tests. We'll go into that in a later post. Right now we are working on follow up emails.

If you are like me you have been at a loss for words when writing your weekly messages. Following the procedure of taking a clue from their and your common interest helps you overcome this problem. Taking a clue from what they are saying or what you had used for a key word in finding them in Facebook is your starting point for any contact. Always remember that you are a friend first for people in Facebook and a subtle sales person next. Also, these contacts should be short and easy to read. By that I mean one or two paragraphs and language that reads and translates easily because it is the everyday speaking language and not something where you are trying to show off your big word knowledge.

Once you have established your common interest and they have confidence in you, you can start to mention your SFI business, your TripleClicks store, your auction win, or whatever you have chosen as your market for this person in your second and third contacts. As long as you are putting their interests first, you can maintain their interest in you. Saying something like I am so proud of my new badge, win, store sale or something else in passing will break the ice and then they may respond with something of theirs. 

Your first few contacts should be consistent and quick to respond to them to be of value. You need to contact them regularly and then after a while let them pursue, but never, ever and I mean NEVER let them think that you are only interested in them because you want to sell them something, and if they become that way with you - aggressive in trying to sell you something - be polite and nice and perhaps let them know that you are extremely busy and doing well in your current business then go on to explain what you have in SFI and give them the link to one of your custom domain names or your gateway. If they have crossed the line beyond friendship, then you can too, as long as you do it in a friendly considerate manner.

This are the basic points of following up with people you meet on social media. These methods pertain to any contact now matter how you found them. The more you listen (listening is the oil of sales), the better your contacts will respond. In emails listening is done by looking for what your contact interests are. In social media you have the advantage of looking over their social page. You don't have this advantage in other kinds of contacts on the internet so you have to search.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Gang of Seven - Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is very successful when approached in the correct way. Facebook (FB) wants people to be friends, and share and report as friends. Therefore, advertising on Facebook requires different tactics that just putting an ad there. If you want to do that, they expect you to pay for advertising. That said, there are ways to use FB as a free advertising medium. Here is one way that has proven to produce results when done correctly. Here is the method in 123 form with explanations as I go along.

I am starting with this method of advertising because this takes several steps to be very successful so by the end of the month if should be working great for you.


1. Place your inquiry Keyword in the search engine at the top of the FB page.

The kind of keywords you use are very important. If you use "Work At Home" you will get a bunch of people who already are working at home. If you want to get people who want to "earn money from home" you will be more successful at finding people who haven't yet found something. The best way to approach FB is to put a keyword in the search that you are passionate about. For instance, I'm passionate about remodeling my home.Using keywords that apply to this passion will pull up people who will be interested in possibly being a friend. Then after I have become a friend, I can approach them about joining SFI.

If you are looking for anything else, you would want to choose a product from TC that you like, or you might choose something from an auction. Spend some time playing around with keywords and then examine the results of your search to see if becoming friends of some of these people will benefit you. 

2. To the right of the search page you will see a list of items starting with people.

Use this list to find the people you want to contact. For instance if you click on people, you will get location. Then you can put in any city or country you want. This is a great way to find people who speak the same language as you do. You can filter results in "people" by geography, school or employer. Type in the name of a city or region, school, university or company. Click "Filter" to find the people in the parameter you set.

Experiment with the different items in this list and see what will help you the most. Then make a friends list and send them a message.

3. Use "more results" to pull up people.

Using this will keep people coming up for you until you have exhausted the available people. This is the huge list of people to prospect.


 1. Using an ice breaker is absolutely essential to fill FB's requirement that you make friends.

An ice breaker is a short sentence that talks about their interests. It is important to address this interest. Here is an example of an ice breaker. "I see that you are interested in remodeling. I have been remodeling homes since I was a child. It is almost a passion with me. What is your favorite room to remodel or decorate? Do you have a website? I am always interested in new ideas and enjoy looking at what others are doing. I just sent you a friends request." The add a friend button disappears as I click on it.

Notice how I used questions in this ice breaker, it is short, addresses their interest, and tells them a little about me. That is the method for making a great ice breaker. If I were planning to advertise for an ECA, I would use a product as my original search and ask them if they were currently doing any internet marketing.

Another ice breaker sample. "John, I just happened across your profile, and noticed that you were in Mantra and have a shoe store (or any other site such as Linkedin). I'm a member myself and always interested in new styles. I am also an entrepreneur like yourself.."  

Doing these ice breakers will build your friends list and they will start responding. Working 1 hour per day for 5 days creating 20-25 conversations in that hour equals 120-500 new leads per week.

Getting greedy and sending more than 20-25 friend requests a day, will flag you in FB and you will get shut down. Be very careful in this first step that you work to become a friend and not appear as a sales person.


Now that you have them on your friends list it is essential to develop an effective follow up system to take them to the next level. the first follow up gives them addresses their response, and gives them a little more information about yourself and your business. Do this immediately upon receiving their response. 

The second follow up the next day includes testimonials and more information. The key to developing any really effective advertising campaign requires an immediate follow up system where they can opt out at any time. Save your emails so that you can merely edit them some to do following up. As you get more experience advertising and have many people to follow up, then it is important that you develop an automated system so that your follow up is adequate. 

My next post will have more information on how to do the follow up and then present your sales pitch.
Please be sure and visit my website to address your actions for this post.