Monday, November 25, 2013

My Experience with Traffic Exchanges Part 5.

This is a composite my activities with traffic Exchanges and may or may not be the last post about TE's. .

Working SFI (Strong Future International) and any other program on the internet requires consistency. Particularly when you are doing Traffic Exchanges. These can be time consuming, but since I can put two screens up at a time, I can click on them as I am working the SFI program or answering my emails. It does increase the time I spend on these, but it has averaged less than 5 minutes a day. 

Being consistent is logging in daily and completing whatever you have planned to do that day. SFI is a learning system for being consistent. Logging in and doing the daily items gets you started off right every day. It helps you to develop the habit of being consistent daily, weekly and monthly. By having to start over earning VP - (SFI's universal money point system) - every month, you develop the habit of assessing your progress monthly.

Setting goals and working toward them makes it possible to maintain continuity. You can see your growth in Total VP earned and badges you collect. These are motivating factors that help us keep our consistency.

When working Traffic Exchanges consistency is what makes it possible to log into the TE and see how many dollars you earned the day before. Earning daily is very motivating. I have been using every bit I earn to purchase more rental referrals - people who log in daily and click the web pages for .001 each.This seems like a small amount, but over time adds up. I am now up to $7 or 8 every day from their efforts.

One fun thing about TE's is the fascinating array of different ways to advertise or earn money in those you click every day to earn your portion for that day. When I have seen the ad several times, I can ignore it, so the time it takes is minimal. Since my income for spending on the web is very limited I resist many of those programs that look to good to be true and probably don't fulfill their promises.

Working together and helping one another will also improve our ability to turn SFI and other worthwhile programs into the money making machine that we are hoping for. Being an SFI member and learning the skills that we need to earn money on SFI teaches us how to branch out by learning the basics of internet profitability.

Branching out by advertising SFI wherever and when ever we can drastically improves our income by increasing our downline and sales ROI. Making purchases from TripleClicks, and advertising and selling the products of TripleClicks on other programs and sites helps us to grow consistently not only in SFI, but in working the internet.

Traffic Exchanges can be a significant boost to our free advertising. In the 2 and 1/2 months I have been working them I made several TripleClicks sales and have received two Personal recruits to my downline.
This is in edition to the money I earned. I joined by investing in their yearly $50.00 charge and have more than received it returned to me. Nerdbux has paid for itself and provided me with an advertising venue that has produced for SFI.

Please fill out my form to the right if you want to be part of my program. I am hoping to build a site where we all participate, study and learn together to earn what we need.

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